Get Involved

As a 501c3 organization, Veterinarians to the Rescue (VTTR) is always in need of volunteers to further help us realize our mission to reduce economic euthanasias. VTTR has a number of regular volunteer opportunities open to people of all levels of experience.


Many pets, once on the path of recovery, still need extra attention and care prior to being ready for adoption. VTTR is often looking for suitable volunteers that can provide foster care to pets in the organization’s medical care.

Adoption Days

After pets are recovered, many still need a forever home. VTTR actively supports those pets who have used its services in getting adopted. Volunteers are needed for adoption days with tasks such as applicant registration, pet handling, community engagement, etc.


VTTR coordinates and provides all transportation for the care of pets using its services. Volunteers who can provide transportation in the Central Kentucky area for pets to and from our partners are always needed. A personal, reliable, vehicle is required.

Vaccination Clinics

VTTR provides low cost vaccination to pets in the community once a month. Volunteers are always needed for these events in order for it to run smoothly and efficiently.

Interested in volunteering? Send us a message!

What type(s) of volunteering are you interested in?

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