Eddie and Earl

Vision Impaired Kittens

October 22, 2024



Lexington, KY




Focus Veterinary Care


Severe Ocular Infection

Eddie and Earl were dropped off at a shelter with severely infected eyes. The owners had been trying to clean the eyes, but the infection soon got out of control. They could not afford to take them to a veterinarian, so they relinquished them to animal control.

Infected eyes can deteriorate quickly and are a medical condition that need prompt care. Unfortunately, these kittens had not received any veterinary care and were facing euthanasia due to crowding and lack of funding for their care. An employee at the shelter recommended VTTR take these kittens, and the shelter agreed to transfer them to us.

Even with aggressive treatment, Earl’s right eye and Eddie’s left eye did not recover, and the eyes had to be removed (enucleation). Earl recovered quickly and the next day was a happy, playful, kitten still having normal vision in his left eye. Eddie’s situation was more stressful as his right eye was heavily infected too. After a few weeks of aggressive treatment, his right eye recovered to the point where Eddie could at least see shadows and engaged in play with his brother.

Earl was adopted soon after by a wonderful lady in Indiana who already had a blind cat. Eddie missed his brother as he had grown to depend on him. Eddie was placed with two other orphan kittens in foster care and was trying to make newfriends. Earl soon exhibited his entertaining personality in his new home, but his new Mom couldn’t stop thinking about the brother left behind.

Within a few weeks, she reached out asking if she could adopt Eddie too. There are few things as joyful as a pair of kittens growing up together and Eddie and Earl are no exception.

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Lexington, KY




Focus Veterinary Care


Severe Ocular Infection