
A ruptured bladder and financially unobtainable treatment

October 18, 2024



Lexington, KY


Cystotomy, Bladder Repair and Neuter Surgery


Focus Veterinary Care


Ruptured Urinary Bladder

Khaos is a 1.5 year old pittie, who has the misfortune of his body making bladder stones. The owner was unaware that this young dog had this issue until he started having difficulty urinating one day. Khaos visited two veterinary practices, but after the owner had spent all her money on X-rays and bloodwork, she had no money left to pay for the lifesaving surgery that she was told he needed. The stone was flushed back into his bladder to hopefully give the owner time to find the funds for surgery, but only to reblock his urethra less than 48 hours later.

Khaos’ owner desperately tried to find a veterinarian in town that would perform the lifesaving surgery at low cost or who would accept payments, but no clinic would help. His owner was out of money and he was out of time. Khaos was slowly dying as his bladder filled to capacity.

Khaos’ owner made the gut-wrenching decision to humanely euthanize Khaos rather than watch him suffer, and called a non-profit clinic to perform the euthanasia. The veterinarian at that clinic was aware that Dr. Lisa Warren had started a rescue called Veterinarians to the Rescue to help in situations such as Khaos’. She called Dr. Warren, who agreed to perform the surgery at her facility. Unfortunately, Khaos’ bladder had already burst, and he had an abdomen full of urine. He was close to death and his prognosis was grave.

After stabilizing Khaos at VTTR’s facility, he underwent surgery to see if the bladder could be repaired. Thankfully, the bladder was successfully repaired and all the remaining stones were removed. After a couple of days with supportive therapy, Khaos made a full recovery!

Khaos’ situation is all too common as veterinary costs continue to rise at an unprecedented rate. Not only is Khaos’ owner able to continue to love and care for this handsome boy who is now on a special prescription diet, but the veterinarians involved all now know about our rescue and will partner with us on future cases!

Together we can reduce economic euthanasia’s of fixable veterinary problems, keep these pets with their owners, and have lots of happy outcomes such as Khaos’. For our program to be sustainable we rely on donations, no matter how small, and would appreciate a donation in Khaos’ honor so we may help the next pet in need of life saving surgery. As word of our rescue is spread, we hope to partner with other veterinary clinics to offer non-euthanasia solutions for their clients.

Khaos’ situation is all too common as veterinary costs continue to rise at an unprecedented rate. Not only is Khaos’ owner able to continue to love and care for this handsome boy who is now on a special prescription diet, but the veterinarians involved all now know about our rescue and will partner with us on future cases! Together we can reduce financial euthanasia’s of fixable veterinary problems, keep these pets with their owners and have lots of happy outcomes such as Khaos’. For our program to be sustainable we rely on donations, no matter how small, and would appreciate a donation in Khaos’ honor so we may help the next pet in need for life saving surgery. As word of our rescue is spread, we hope to partner with other veterinary clinics to offer non-euthanasia solutions for their clients.

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Lexington, KY


Cystotomy, Bladder Repair and Neuter Surgery


Focus Veterinary Care


Ruptured Urinary Bladder